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Splicing screen project of Shenzhen Tower Monitoring Command Center

Release time:2019-08-22

Case description:

Project Name: Splicing Screen Project of Shenzhen Tower Monitoring and Dispatching Emergency Command Center

product description:

Product name: 55-inch ultra-narrow-edge LCD splicing screen

Model: HBY-PJ550P

Resolution: 1920*1080

Brightness: 500cd/m2

Features :

The seam is only 5.3mm, using Samsung industrial-grade DID LCD splicing panel, the backlight color reproduction is good, the image is vivid, the dots are super densely distributed, and the backlight brightness is uniform. It is specially designed for national defense, military, aerospace, electric power, water conservancy, and transportation. , And professional terminal display equipment developed by high-end users such as large-scale command and control centers

Product quantity: 55 inch 5.3mm 2*3 (6 pieces)

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