


Through continuous efforts and development, hbying products and services are gradually recognized by customers.

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Corporate Honor

Enterprise honor

Shenzhen hbying Technology is a brand company of Guangdong Yingxian Industrial Group, which is a national high-tech enterprise dedicated to the development, design, production and sales of intelligent commercial display products.

  • Enterprise honor
    Enterprise honor
  • Enterprise honor
    Enterprise honor
  • Enterprise honor
    Enterprise honor
Corporate Certifications

Enterprise Certification

ISO 18001 certificate

ISO 18001 certificate

ISO14001 certificate

ISO14001 certificate

Famous brands in China

Famous brands in China

ISO9001 certification

ISO9001 certification

National authority test certificate

National authority test certificate

Product Certifications

certified product

CE certificate

CE certificate

ROHS certification

ROHS certification

FCC certification

FCC certification

3C certification

3C certification

LCD splicing screen inspection report

LCD splicing screen inspection report

China energy saving product certification

China energy saving product certification

Test report of 46 inch LCD splicing screen

Test report of 46 inch LCD splicing screen

Detection report of 55 inch LCD splicing screen

Detection report of 55 inch LCD splicing screen

Certified patents

Certified patent

Media video decoding software certificate

Media video decoding software certificate

Digital Matrix Integrated Management Platform Certificate

Digital Matrix Integrated Management Platform Certificate

LCD splicing screen integrated control system certificate

LCD splicing screen integrated control system certificate

Self service inquiry system certificate

Self service inquiry system certificate

Self service ordering system certificate

Self service ordering system certificate

Certificate of digital sign remote management system

Certificate of digital sign remote management system

Video signal synchronization control software certificate

Video signal synchronization control software certificate

Remote video conference system certificate

Remote video conference system certificate

Software registration certificate

Software registration certificate

潞城市| 衡水市| 乌鲁木齐市| 娱乐| 涟水县| 镇安县| 将乐县| 涟水县| 偏关县| 当雄县| 察哈| 万州区| 于田县| 普格县| 锡林浩特市| 博兴县| 中超| 武平县| 合肥市| 介休市| 名山县| 洪洞县| 百色市| 孙吴县| 富宁县| 松溪县| 开平市| 图们市| 吉木萨尔县| 开封市| 诏安县| 调兵山市| 大悟县| 中江县| 青神县| 临安市| 武功县| 荆门市| 弋阳县| 永年县| 库伦旗|